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Monday 15 October 2012

DSDN 104: Eight renders

These are my eight renders that we had to do for the schedule; 3 lighting, 3 texture/material and 2 composition experiments.

This was my first render with that glass texture that has the bubble patterns on it and there's no lighting on this render. I don't reckon this looks very fluidity in my opinion because of the bubbles on the texture and this texture on the model just makes it look like concrete.

This here is my second render with that chrome texture that I got off the net and this doesn't have lighting either. I feel that this texture isn't shiny enough to make my model look fluidity, if this was shinier it should be sweet and at the moment it just looks plain grey.

This is my last render with texture and for this one I just use the default glass texture on 3ds max like how I said I was going to. I'm not too sure about those blue bits on the texture because they just look a bit out of place but it could be just the white background that makes it look out of place.

My first lighting experiment that I did, I'm just going to use my last final rendered model for all the other lighting experiments because it's got the best texture out of those other two models. For this lighting experiment I just use three Omni lights above the model and I also switched from a white plane to a black plane because you can see the texture a lot clearer.
For my second light experiment here I've used three Skylights above the model. As you can see the background is a lot darker than the one that's in my first light experiment and the darker background brings out the texture on the model more. The difference between Skylights and Omni lights is that the Skylights are a bit wider so they are brighter.

This is my last lighting experiment, I decided to try out the Target spot light and this is what it turned out like. It change the way the texture should look, I think the light darkened the whole model so that's why the texture doesn't look the same anymore. Also this rendering is very poor because I can see the plane on the top left and right corners.

This is my first composition render with no lighting, I've just added the same texture/material to all three of the models as you can see. I know this is a really poor render but this is just an experiment so I can see what the models will look like with the same material on all of them.

My last composition render here and this time I've use three Omni lights. This render is better than my first composition render but it's still not the best and I need to improve my rendering skills for my final render. I also need to figure out how I'm going to set out these models so they will go with my fluidity theme, I can't just have my models set out like this because it's way to basic and doesn't look fluidity. I feel that I need to find a different texture for my models, maybe a clearer glass texture? At the moment the texture reminds me of like mercury or a robot.  

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