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Tuesday 11 September 2012

DSDN 142: Project 3 tutorial

For our third project for coding we have to design a interactive mouse toy. Today in the tutorial we didn't go on processing to type in codes and all that, we just got told to draw and do sketches of some ideas. This way we don't have to worry about the codes and how our idea won't work out because of the codes.
We can use like webcam, microphone etc for this project, so we can create almost like a Xbox Kinect game. Using the webcam will be pretty cool because you can do ideas from a Kinect game like boxing. Using the microphone you can do sounding which also can be pretty awesome too.

Here is my sketch that I did today, the part on the bottom was a idea that I thought about. There are two fists and a punching ball in the middle. I thought about if you use the mouse arrow and click on each fist it will punch the ball side to side. I could also consider using a webcam and have the person using their own fist to punch it, just like you would on the Kinect game. I could take this idea further and develop it, but I'm going to explore more different ideas first.

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