DSDN 101 (22) DSDN 104 (71) DSDN 112 (55) DSDN 141 (5) DSDN 142 (49) DSDN 171 (5)

Friday 7 September 2012

DSDN 112: Navigation Interface

For this project we have to design a navigation interface that helps people to find their way to a certain location at the Victoria Kelburn campus. This design can be very helpful for people that don't know their way around the main Victoria campus. Since the campus is quite big it will be hard to find where the rooms are and I know this because I've had that problem before when I went there for my first time. 
Gps is one of the most common navigation systems that people use to get from one location to another when they are driving. Gps's only work when your outdoor because it's purposely designed for roads only so when you try using one inside, you won't be able to get any signal on anything. If you look at this Navman Gps in the image here, it shows the view of the road with road signs as well. I think this Gps with the view of the road is very helpful for people because they can see what the road looks like and where they have to turn off to get to their location. One other thing that's very handy in this Gps is the arrow because arrows shows the directions, so having one in a navigation system will make it way easier to read and know where to go

This Navman Gps here looks a bit harder to read than the one that's above because this one doesn't have the road view, it just shows a map of the roads with street names. A good thing about this Gps is that it has that green stripe which shows you the way to your location, if it didn't have that stripe, it would of been real confusing to know what way to go. At the top of the Gps it shows how far away the distance is until you turn left. I know that as you keep driving forward the distance will decrease and when it decreases to zero, that's when you will turn off. Having that bit at the top where it tells you how far away until you turn off is another positive thing to have in a Navigation system.

Some disadvantages about Gps's is that sometimes the maps aren't up to date on it so they can take you to wrong directions if there were new roads open.

Right here is a Indoor Navigation application for an Iphone and other smart phones. For this application, you can use it in shopping malls to find a store or you can find aisles in shops with it. This sort of application will be perfect for this second project since we do have to design a navigation for the Kelburn campus which is indoor.


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