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Monday 10 September 2012

DSDN 104: Sketch models

For these sketch models I pretty much made them out of my sketches that I did. I copied the bits of the model from my sketches that I did onto cardboard, then I cut them out and connect the bits together. I made like a stand for every single sketch model because otherwise it won't sit up on its own. These sketch models are to show development for my final acrylic model.
This is my first sketch model that I did, I slotted the bits of the model onto a small piece of rectangular shaped cardboard. It's also slotted into a rectangular shaped piece so the model can sit up.

Second sketch model here, I've made two sets of each model piece so I can just have them next to each other when they are pinned together so it looks more of a 3D model. I also have circle bits between each parts of the model so they don't look like they are all attached together like a 2D model.

For my third sketch model here I've used pinning and slotting to connect them together and I've made a different looking stand for it just to see what stands will be better for my final model. There are only just three model pieces for this model.

This is my fourth model and I've just gone back using the other stand because I believe this one will work better for my final model and it has more of a clean look to it. I decide to make the model pieces separately and try to slot the pieces in the right order as well so it looks more like my hero model.

Here is my final sketch model, as you can see some model pieces are separated and some parts of the model are just in one model piece. I did this because I believe this will be the best way to draw up my laser cutting profile for my final acrylic model and it will look more like my hero model if I put more details to the model pieces. I also just slot a narrow piece of card through the model bits so it will hold the model together. So for my final acrylic model I'll be slotting a piece of narrow acrylic through my model pieces because I think this will be the best way to connect them together.  

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