DSDN 101 (22) DSDN 104 (71) DSDN 112 (55) DSDN 141 (5) DSDN 142 (49) DSDN 171 (5)

Wednesday 26 September 2012

DSDN 104: Sketches

The patterns of my model sketches are all based on my precedent images that I got. I like the idea of the fluidity theme because when it comes to fluidity I have this liquid image in my head so I think if I did this theme, I can create some crazy patterns for my models. For my precedents I got some images of designs by Zaha Hadid because all her designs are fluidity style. Since fluidity comes to my head as liquid I got some precedents of water patterns and bubbles as well. For the texture for the models, I could consider using a liquid or slime looking texture so it expresses the word fluidity more as well as the theme. The two sketches that looks like a high heel is an idea I got off a Zaha Hadid design, I sketch the shape of what her design was and just added some of her and my patterns inside it, for my patterns I just added bubbles. The sketch on the bottom left hand corner is another idea I got from my other Zaha Hadid precedent, this one I sketch some of her patterns and I just added bubbles inside some parts of the model. My last sketch which is on the bottom right hand corner I got the patterns from a water pattern precedent, this one is pretty basic compare to my other sketches, I did this to see what it was going to turn out like and this sketch reminds me of a Maori Koru.      

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