DSDN 101 (22) DSDN 104 (71) DSDN 112 (55) DSDN 141 (5) DSDN 142 (49) DSDN 171 (5)

Sunday 30 September 2012

DSDn 104: First model on 3ds max

I've exported my model from Solidworks and now it's been imported into 3ds max to be modified. On the bottom there are some images of my model that has been modified with the stretch modifier.

 Model first imported onto 3ds max.

Model modified with stretch and it's on the stretch Y-axis

Model modified with stretch and on the stretch X-axis

For my next step I'm probably going to play around with the stretch modifier a bit more, then add some texture to the model and do a render.

DSDN 104: More sketches

Here are some more sketches that I've done of my other precedents images. A couple of the sketches here show the stretchiness pattern that I want to do for my models.  

DSDN 104: More precedents

Now I would like to make my fluidity models stretch to get that pattern for this project because when it comes to fluidity, I think of liquid or slime and they both stretch. I was also influence by my Zaha Hadid precedents for this stretch idea because if you have a look at her fluidity designs, they all look like they are stretching out.

DSDN 104: First Solidworks model

My model that I've traced on Illustrator has been imported onto Solidworks and as you can see I've transformed it from 2D into a 3D model. For my next step I might have a play around with it on Solidworks or I might import it onto 3ds max and modify it.

DSDN 104: First model traced on Illustrator

This is my first trace on Illustrator off one of my Zaha Hadid precedents, I'm going to export this as a DWG and then import it into Solidworks to turn it into a 3D model. For my fluidity theme, I'm trying to get that stretchy look, so I'm going to make my model stretch.

Saturday 29 September 2012

DSDN 112: Navigation menu idea

This is a navigation start menu that I've designed on Illustrator to try have an idea on what my aesthetic can look like. Quite similar start menu to my paper prototype one, this time I've added a coloured background, symbols for each button etc. I feel that my symbols might need a colour to them that represents what they mean. 

Thursday 27 September 2012

DSDN 142: View of my idea

For my interactive mouse toy it starts off with just seeing black ellipses on the screen, the user interacts with it by mouse clicking on the ellipses and they experience an unexpected outcome. When they click on the ellipses, they turn into different coloured smoke and that’s the unexpected outcome. When the ellipses have turned into smoke, you can click and hold them with the mouse and scribble or draw on the screen with the different colours. This is the idea like my paint splatter one but this one has smoke instead and I’ve shortened the amount of ellipses because having more ellipses with the same colours were not necessary. 

DSDN 142: Idea on processing

This is all I have so far on processing, just a bunch of black coloured ellipses, my final that I'm planning on doing isn't going to have all these ellipses, I'm still struggling a bit with the code at the moment, so I'm trying to suss that out since I did change my idea at the last minute.

DSDN 142: Developing my idea

I feel that my paint splatter idea is a bit too basic so I kind of want to develop it a bit more. I could consider instead of using paint splatters, I could turn the ellipses into smoke instead so it looks almost like colour smoke bombs. Obviously the colour smoke on processing won't be life like, like the ones in the images below.

DSDN 142: Idea done on Illustrator

On the bottom there is my idea that I want to change to from my ellipse idea. You start off with just seeing black ellipses and you have to click them with your mouse and they turn into different colour paint splatters, this is a good interaction because having the ellipses turn into paint splatters is an unexpected outcome. When they turn into paint splatters, you can now use your mouse to click and hold on them to be able to scribble over the screen with different colours.

DSDN 142: Changing my idea

I’m thinking about changing my idea now, because the idea of the ellipse having to avoid the bigger ellipses was more of a game than an interactive mouse toy. For my next idea I'm planning to do something that makes the user experience an unexpected outcome and that will make it more interactive. On the bottom is something similar to what I want to do for my final idea but I'll make mine a bit more interactive. I quite like that idea because you don't really get bored of it straight away, you like to have a play around with it, like scribbling all over the screen and that.

DSDN 142: Idea for final

On the bottom there was an idea that I was planning to do for my final. This one for the little black ellipse, you have to try and make it dodge the white ellipses while it's travelling across the screen, if it touches the ellipses, they will make the little black ellipse explode. To make the small ellipse be able to dodge, you have to keep clicking your mouse, if you move the mouse arrow up and left click, the ellipse will move up and if the arrow is down the bottom of the screen and you click it will move down.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

DSDN 104: Texture ideas

Started to have a look at what textures I could use for the fluidity theme, I had a look at slime and liquid textures on the internet and on the bottom is what I've found that I quite like.

The two images here are of slime textures, one is green coloured and the other is blue. The green slime texture has bubbles which could show more fluidity patterns to a model if it's been added to a model. The Blue slime has these like larger bubble patterns which remind me of liquid being boiled up in a saucepan. Either way these two slime textures both show a lot of fluidity to them by the bubble patterns.

The image here is of a sparkling water texture, I think that if the bright light wasn't in the texture it will look better because that light just draws us too much attention to it instead of the texture itself. The texture looks very fluidity and the patterns on it looks like the blue slime's ones.

DSDN 104: Sketches

The patterns of my model sketches are all based on my precedent images that I got. I like the idea of the fluidity theme because when it comes to fluidity I have this liquid image in my head so I think if I did this theme, I can create some crazy patterns for my models. For my precedents I got some images of designs by Zaha Hadid because all her designs are fluidity style. Since fluidity comes to my head as liquid I got some precedents of water patterns and bubbles as well. For the texture for the models, I could consider using a liquid or slime looking texture so it expresses the word fluidity more as well as the theme. The two sketches that looks like a high heel is an idea I got off a Zaha Hadid design, I sketch the shape of what her design was and just added some of her and my patterns inside it, for my patterns I just added bubbles. The sketch on the bottom left hand corner is another idea I got from my other Zaha Hadid precedent, this one I sketch some of her patterns and I just added bubbles inside some parts of the model. My last sketch which is on the bottom right hand corner I got the patterns from a water pattern precedent, this one is pretty basic compare to my other sketches, I did this to see what it was going to turn out like and this sketch reminds me of a Maori Koru.      

Tuesday 25 September 2012

DSDN 104: Precedents

Here are my precedent images that I've got, it gives me an idea on what to do for my 3D form model and I'm thinking about doing a fluidity theme now. I was going to do a organic theme to start off with, but now I've made a change of plans.

These precedent images are designs by Zaha Hadid, I choose to use her designs as precedents because her designs are all fluidity and I've done a little bit of research off her designs before.

Since the theme that I'm thinking of doing is fluidity, I had a look at water bubbles because water is fluid so the water bubble shapes will go well with the 3D model if I choose to do fluidity.

I had a look at more water patterns to see what patterns water can do. When I see the word fluidity I just think of liquid/water, so that's why I looked at water for precedents. 

DSDN 104: P3 Ideas

Today I was just looking at images on Google to get some ideas on what I can do for my 3D printed model for this last project. I sort of want to create like an organic theme model so I had a look at some nature patterns, dinosaur skeletons and different other patterns as you can see on the bottom. For this project we need to have a pattern so I had a look at nature because they have some crazy patterns on plants and that, and nature is all around us.

DSDN 112: colours for icons

Today we got told in the lecture that colours for our icons have to represent the icon and we can't just choose whatever colour we want because they look good with each other. For example like traffic lights, the green means go and red means stop, we can't just switch those two colours around with what it means because they aren't the colours to show it. So for my colours I'll have to choose them wisely and make sure they do represent the icons on my navigation.

Monday 24 September 2012

DSDN 142: Inspirations

Had a look on processing to see what some mouse toys that's involve with balancing since I don't have any idea on what I want to do that's involve with balancing. So I found these two mouse toys which I find quite inspiring.

This is similar to a seesaw, when you move this at any direction, the five rectangular glass looking panels will spin, the way they spin sort of reminds me of the wind blowing a book and making the pages flick through real fast.

This one is more of a game than a mouse toy like what we are supposed to be doing, but it's still involve with balancing which might be able to give me an idea on what to do. This game you have to try balance the big boulder as long as you can with the small boulder without it touching the ground or the side of the screen. Also there's a clock that times you as well. This is the type of game that you will never get bored off because you can't clock it and my mouse toy has to be like that as well, I have to make it so that the user won't get bored of it straight after they have interact with it.

Sunday 23 September 2012

DSDN 142: Curtain

On the bottom here is an interactive mouse toy made by using processing, it's called the curtain. You just use your mouse to move the curtain around, rip it all apart and more. This is what we suppose to design for our mouse toy project, it's very interactive and you don't get bored straight away when you interact with it.

DSDN 112: Google sketchup

Since I was planning to design my 3D maps for my navigation on Google sketchup, I decide to have a play around with it so I can get the hang of it again because I haven't used it for quite a while now. In the image below I've roughly created a lecture theatre looking room, it was quite simple to create the 3D forms for that room because I just used the push/pull tool. You can just draw a square shape and then use the push/pull tool on it to make it form into a cube. This tool is very easy to use to create 3D forms, if you try doing the same thing on 3ds max, it will take you way longer than it should.

DSDN 112: Aesthetics research

I didn't have any idea on what my aesthetic was going to look like for my navigation, so I did some research on different phones and phone apps to see what their aesthetics were like.

This is an image of the Iphone screen showing all the apps. The aesthetic on this is clean and simple by the black coloured background, and the way the app icons are all set out which makes it easier to find the app that you want. I believe square shaped is the most common shaped to use for icons on phones because it's easier to see the image of the app and it's not a crazy looking shape that will make it hard to be able to find the apps. That's just my own opinion, I could be wrong.

The image in this is off an android phone screen, the aesthetic on this is quite similar to the Iphone one, the only difference is that the apps icons have a dark grey background to them and it doesn't fit as much apps on one screen. The aesthetic on this is also simple, clean and easy to find apps.

Since the aesthetics that I got to do is on my navigation, I had a look at the Iphone navigation and I believe on the left is the menu for it. The aesthetic is a Iphone style one with the white and light blue color scheme. Very simple aesthetic, makes it easy to understand and to use. 


DSDN 112: color scheme research

I did some research to give me some ideas on colour schemes for my navigation, I had a look at some abstract colours like the ones in the images below.

Blue and black colours are a great mix together like this abstract one in the image. I could consider using blue and black colours like this one, but I want to do some more research on colors first.

This is another blue and black abstract, it looks like there's blue flames in this one, I quite like this one because it's got good colours to it, it's very abstract and I think it will look quite good for the background colour.
This is an image of abstract green and it's pretty much dark green with lighter green colour together. This gives me an idea that instead of having two different colours together for my colour scheme, I can try out just having the same colour but have one lighter than the other and then just mix them together.

DSDN 112: Interim presentation

At the interim presentation we presented our wire frame and paper prototype to our tutor to get some feedback on what we can improve on the navigation that we're designing. Since I didn't really have any idea on what my aesthetic was going to look like, that was something that I had to do some research on. I wanted to have a memo pad in my navigation so people can write quick notes on, my tutor said that's a interesting app to have and it can be developed a bit further, so I'll try think of some more ideas for it. I also had a diary app for the navigation on the paper prototype, the diary and the memo pad are similar to each other, the only difference is that the diary has a calendar and the memo pad doesn't. To develop my idea further for the memo pad I can somehow think of an idea on combining it with the diary together instead of having two separate apps because those two are almost the same as each other.

Thursday 20 September 2012

DSDN 112: Paper prototype and wireframe

This is my paper prototype that I did to show what I'm planning to do for my navigation, as you can see I'm designing an application for the phone. The images on the mobile phones aren't exactly what the application will look like, but it's the same idea what I'm planning to do though. Also these are not the aesthetics I'm going to use, I still have to do some more research on different aesthetics.

Here is my wireframe of my navigation that I did and everything on here is very simple and easy to see. I think I could of done this a bit better like simplify the tabs for the navigation a bit because it just looks like there might be a bit too much going on, but I'll have to see what feedback I get at the interim for this first.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

DSDN 104: Final acrylic model

My final acrylic model here all put together. I've used a red laser light for this photo to emphasis on the color of my hero model. The color represents a violence chaotic theme and the position of the model in this photo is quite similar to my re-rendered image.

DSDN 104: Revised render of model

I choose to re-render my digital model because my hero model from the first project had very poor rendering and lighting to it which didn't show my chaotic texture very well or the model itself. So I wanted to make the model look better to be able compare the digital model to the final acrylic model.

Before re-rendering

This is my model after it's been re-rendered. It's been re-rendered with better lighting as you can see and I've made it show the shadow of the model in the background.