DSDN 101 (22) DSDN 104 (71) DSDN 112 (55) DSDN 141 (5) DSDN 142 (49) DSDN 171 (5)

Saturday 4 August 2012

DSDN 112: Ideas for my interactive object

In this image here it's a inflatable bop bag which is pretty much a little kids punching bag. When you punch this bop bag, it will just come back right at you and won't just tip over because it's got some sort of  weight on the bottom of it. I think on the bottom of it is water because I've seen one before that has been popped and liquid came out of it. The weight on the bottom of the bop bag gave me an idea for my object that I'm planning to do.

Right here is a gyroscope, it's a spinning wheel or disk in which the axle is free to assume any orientation and they are known for use on Aircraft's, ships, segways etc. A gyroscope gives me another idea for a mechanism for my object to keep it balance on one spot, but I'll need to do some more research and maybe try and make my own gyro.

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