DSDN 101 (22) DSDN 104 (71) DSDN 112 (55) DSDN 141 (5) DSDN 142 (49) DSDN 171 (5)

Thursday 26 July 2012

DSDN 112: week 2

Today we had to bring in two objects, one for functional and the other fun or interesting to use. For function I brought a bike pedal like the one you see in the image below. The bike pedal is one of the important parts of the bike, without it you can't ride it. I choose it because looking at the pedal where your foot goes, it looks real grippy because of the square pins and the groove, that's like the main part that will attract people and its got a nice shape to it along with the cut outs that gives it a clean look.

For fun and interesting I brought a spinning top eraser like the on in the image but except my one was blue not purple. The eraser have a interesting look to it but also it has a smell to it as well, it's one of those smelly erasers and I think it's suppose to smell like berry but I'm not to sure. This is different to a normal eraser because with this one, when you look at it, you just want to spin it and play with it because it's a shape of a spinning top and the colour attracts your eye along with the berry smell as well.

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