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Saturday 21 July 2012

DSDN 104: First day sketches

This is one of my sketches that I did on the first day of DSDN 104, we got given some verbs and nouns, and we had to do a sketch that describes those words. So for one of the nouns that we got given, I picked Ladder, the picture that looks like a spinning top with skinny rectangles is the sketch that describes it. The rectangle shapes start of real short, then they get longer and longer as they get higher. What I'm trying to show is that, when you are climbing a ladder, you will feel safe at the bottom of course but for every step you take to climb, it gets scarier and scarier, so the rectangle shapes length shows the fear in the human body.

For the verbs I picked jump, as you can see in the second picture there are five rectangle shapes and they start off with a light colour, then they get darker and darker. The colour of the rectangle shapes are suppose to show the impact that you create when you jump from one place to another. Like when you start of you have hardly any impact but when you start jumping from place to place you will create more and more impact on your feet.

We had to do a sketch for a word of our own, so I've choose a verb which is explode. as you can see in the sketch there's like a ball shape that's I've sketched in the middle and that is suppose to show the bit before an explosion and it was safe. The lines that are all over the page is to show the dangerous part of an explosion. Because an explosion is quite big, I made the lines to take up the whole page and also to show how dangerous an explosion is.

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